How to promote “world democracy” in this day and age?

I have no doubt that the only way to prevent humanity to destroy itself or, worse, entranch durable forms of inhumane global governance in the midst of environmental catastrophe, is to arrive in a timely manner to adequate global governance through adequate global constituent processes.

I have spend many year studying and working towards such goal. In the last few years I have worked more side-ways in respect to that goal, but I have kept thinking about it very much.

In short, I would suggest that promoting global democracy nowadays would require a few major paradigm shifts in world democracy proponents:

  • We should drop the term “democracy”, in favor to “direct democracy” or other adjective. Democracy is becoming in the last few decades a very discredited name, and therefore global democracy activists should add some kind of adjective which does not refer to already tested and failed form of government to achieve governance that is both good and truly accountable to people, such as direct democracy (which includes the reversible election of a representative for given issues), or “continuous democracy” (too little known though) where everyone is able to exercise its share of sovereignty at any given time.
  • We should drop the term “world federalism” altogether. It is either redundant or may be interpreted by most as a possible application of the subsidiarity principle which is unbalanced toward the smaller units, as for example in the case of European Union, or even separatists as Lega Lombarda in Italy.
  • We should seriously evaluate if it is inevitable to reinvent a form of democracy that do away with the privacy of vote and “civic” communications. There is the possibility that technology evolution “may force use to choose between privacy and freedom”, as first argued by James Brin In fact, the only reasonable way to both (A) save us from constant and extremely thorough abuses of privacy by state agencies and other powerful actors, with resulting self-censorship, and (B) finally enable us to take advantage of the huge pptential of technologies to enhance the democratic efficiency of global (constituent and then) democratic processes, without the huge manipulation risks involved if vote (and civic online participation) is supposed to remain secret.

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