Category Archives: work2

Internet should be regulated as a utility, a utility, like water and electricity

Go ahead, say it out loud. The internet is a utility.

There, you’ve just skipped past a quarter century of regulatory corruption and lawsuits that still rage to this day and arrived directly at the obvious conclusion. Internet access isn’t a luxury or a choice if you live and participate in the modern economy, it’s a requirement. Have you ever been in an office when the internet goes down? It’s like recess. My friend Paul Miller lived without the internet for a year and I’m still not entirely sure he’s recovered from the experience. The internet isn’t an adjunct to real life; it’s not another place. You don’t do things “on the internet,” you just do things. The network is interwoven into every moment of our lives, and we should treat it that way.

“Hi, I had this idea, that remember INTEL boss did not say a word in a online interview about the NSA backdoor in his CPU

… ‘s his company makes, well, what if a group of people used croudfunding to raise money to buy a DEAD CPU design that can work with Linux, buy it dirt cheap, open source the design, get it working, and sell it, and the money to help pay bills and fund the next design upgrades?

So we would have a Open Hardware CPU for the people?
Is it doable?”

Even if Blackphone vulnerabilities require physical access they’re still a very big deal…

For some people (upper management, dissidents and the like), secure communication is not sufficient, they also need the phone to remain secure if it is lost or stolen. If having posession of the phone is the only thing that stands in the way of rooting it using this exploit, it is a serious flaw indeed.

And how many more are there?!
This is the one found small company in spare time. Imagine theb NSA or large zero-day companies, if it ever become worth the trouble because high-worth people start trusting it.

They have declared that their “transparency” policy means (a) some other critical bugs are there but you don’t get to know; (b) they will never let third party review crucial code

A case for UVST in my “The economics of meaningful assurance of computing services for civilian use” lecture slides

On Aug 8th 2014 in Trento, Italy, Open Media Cluster Director Dr. Rufo Guerreschi was invited and honored by Jovan Golic – the PEU EIT ICT LABS Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of the €3 billion EU R&D agency – to hold the (only) Concluding Guest Lecture to over 50 post-graduate students selected for their prestigious EU EIT ICT Labs “Security and Privacy in Digital Life” Summer School.

During the 90 minutes of the presentation, name “The economics of meaningful assurance of computing services for civilian use”, he argued the limited costs, public benefits and technical feasibility of the creation of computing services (and devices) with meaningfully-high security and privacy assurance for wide-scale civilian deployment, such as those we’ve been pursuing with our User Verified Social Telematics project, with over 15 Italian, EU and Brazilian partners.

Here a copy of the slides (odtpdf), or here in Slideshare: